Join the ‘Celebrate Life’ Community!
I’m on a mission…
I want to help people appreciate and make the most of their unique lives while they are still here to enjoy them. And I want to celebrate the lives of those whose individual journeys have drawn to a close.
Here you are – busy living life and being your own, beautiful self – and you will, I’m sure, have cherished memories of family and friends who have lived and loved alongside you. So, not only is my mission aimed at you, but you’re also exactly the person I’m looking for to join my ‘Celebrate Life’ community!
The Celebrate Life Community has been created so I can share with you all the uplifting, life-affirming lessons I’ve learnt from being a Funeral Celebrant during the last ten years. It’s an opportunity to go beyond the confines of a FaceBook or Instagram post, to give you the bigger picture of why our lives matter so much, the difference we make while we’re here, and how we continue to make a difference after we’ve gone.
At regular intervals, ‘Life Letters’ from me will land in your in-box. These letters will include a variety of inspiring content, thought-provoking stories, as well as useful advice, all based on my experiences and knowledge of celebrating lives and helping the bereaved. There will also be more free downloads, as well as event and product news.
Everything I send out to you is genuinely heart-felt, absolutely FREE, and has been created to make you feel good about yourself, your place in the world and in the lives of others, as well as helping you create a meaningful legacy.
So if you are looking to make your days count, are curious about the work I do, and would welcome the arrival of something positive, hopeful and happy in your in-box… then sign up today!
Get your Free Download!
Being part of the ‘Celebrate Life’ community won’t cost you a penny AND when you sign up you’ll immediately receive this free download – 10 Reasons Why You Are More Valuable Than You Know.
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