Nicola Dela-Croix

Life Library


The Life Library

Here you’ll find a meaningful mixture of inspirational words and practical advice – from talking to the bereaved, choosing funeral flowers and writing tributes, to uplifting quotes, lessons from life and popular poems. There’s something here for everyone, whatever your stage of life. So pop the kettle on and click through for some wordy nourishment...


10 reasons why you are more valuable than you know…

We are all uniquely valuable – every single one of us – and it’s a value that transcends money, status and stuff. We add value to the lives of others, share our value with the world, and, of course, we’re valuable to ourselves. But it’s easy to lose touch with that beautiful fact. Now, more than ever, we need to remind ourselves that we each have value – we matter. So if you’re ready to re-engage with your valuable self and want a timely reminder of what makes you and your life so uniquely meaningful, let’s go!



Popular poems…

Whether they are read during funeral services, or in private moments by those who grieve, poems can mirror our feelings of loss, reflect the personality of those no longer with us, and give us hope for a future without them. Here’s a collection of some of the most popular choices I’ve been asked to read during the last ten years.


What makes a meaningful funeral ceremony?

My area of expertise is meaningful, personal funeral ceremonies - life celebrations. So let me tell you what I think are the essential elements of a good funeral ceremony, based on my experiences of creating and leading a wide range of funerals, the reactions I see and hear from people gathered on the day, and the feedback I get from families afterwards.


How to write a tribute and deliver it on the day…

The thought of writing a tribute to a loved one can be utterly daunting. How on earth do you reflect all the events, achievements, experiences, emotions, characteristics and qualities of a person and their life in just a few minutes? How can you reflect everything they meant to you and just how much they will be missed? And how do you summon the courage to deliver it on the day? Let me help you…


Floral tributes…

What's the key to a good floral tribute? And what flowers and designs are florists using for contemporary funeral ceremonies? I asked florist Karen Delaine-Smith to share her knowledge, tips and designs with us, and to reveal what it's like creating floral tributes for life's significant moments...


What do I know?

I turned 50 in 2019 and it feels quite significant to have been alive for half a century. Enough time to have accumulated a wealth of experiences, gained a bit of wisdom, and made plenty of mistakes. So here are 50 things my 50-something self has learnt over the years…


Podcast pleasures…

During the last 12 months, as the pandemic made it’s dreadful presence felt and the news got progressively more difficult to listen to, I found myself turning more and more to podcasts. They became a constant companion, as I looked for ways to remain positive and uplifted while going about my daily life. So here’s a pick of some of my favourites from recent months…


Talking to the bereaved…

Knowing the right thing to say to someone who has lost a loved-one, and understanding what they need, can be difficult. So here are a few tips to help grieving people feel comfortable and supported.


Inspirational quotes…

The right quote at the right moment can really lift your spirits, spur you on, or put a comforting arm around you. They can also help to express your feelings when you’re just not able to find the right words yourself. I always keep one or two quotes pinned up for inspiration, changing them each time I stumble upon something new and relevant. I also use quotes during funeral ceremonies, and it’s lovely to see how a few words can have such a big impact. Here are some of my favourites.

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Farewell Wishes Workbook…

It’s never too early – or tempting fate – to start giving thought to your own farewell wishes and any thoughts you may have about the type of funeral ceremony you’d like. None of us know what the future holds and your loved ones will certainly appreciate the fact that the last thing they do for you will be in keeping with what you wanted. So here’s a simple workbook you can download and start making notes in.