Nicola Dela-Croix


Nicola Dela-Croix is a Funeral Celebrant living and working in Cambridgeshire, UK.

Nicola Dela-Croix is a Funeral Celebrant living and working in Cambridgeshire, UK.

Welcome to my blog!

Here you’ll find a broad and colourful mix of information and inspiration linking in with my passion for meaningful farewells, celebrating unique lives, mortality awareness and positive legacies. Enjoy!

Nicola x

I Was Here… is here!

At last… the thoughts and ideas I’ve wanted to share with the world about mortality awareness have finally come together in one website. Huzzah! Of course, I’ve no idea yet if my little ‘shout out’ will be heard – it’s a small pebble thrown in to the vast internet pond, and a subject matter that I appreciate may be seen as a bit, well, different. But I do feel a huge amount of satisfaction in creating I Was Here. It covers issues that matter, that I feel passionate about, and I hope the ripples of my efforts reach out and resonate with others too.

If you’ve found me, hello! And thanks for taking the time to visit. I hope it’s sparked your curiosity and interest. There’s lots more to come so don’t be a stranger. I shall be blogging regularly and creating new content. If you want to you can sign up to my Life Letter, and follow I Was Here through Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

I Was Here is relevant to every single human being on the planet. A big claim, huh? I know, but it’s true – if you’re mortal you’ll find something here that’s meaningful to you. I promise…

"It's only when we truly understand we have a limited time on earth that we will begin to live each day as if it was the only one we had."
- Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

Robyn Russell