Nicola Dela-Croix


Nicola Dela-Croix is a Funeral Celebrant living and working in Cambridgeshire, UK.

Nicola Dela-Croix is a Funeral Celebrant living and working in Cambridgeshire, UK.

Welcome to my blog!

Here you’ll find a broad and colourful mix of information and inspiration linking in with my passion for meaningful farewells, celebrating unique lives, mortality awareness and positive legacies. Enjoy!

Nicola x

The little things

"I caught sight of this cosy red jumper and thought it was the sort of thing my late father would love."

Here's a heart-warming story in the news this week about a woman who was out shopping with her family and the sight of a red jumper triggered a sudden feeling of grief for her dad who died 10 years ago. She tweeted her thought and was overwhelmed with the response that followed. Read about it HERE...

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