Welcome to my courses!
Life is the best teacher there is, and if we pay attention and listen closely it will tell us all we need to know. So, if that’s the case, what could I possibly add that you haven’t learnt already? Well, my courses are designed to help you appreciate yourself and your life, to realise how much you matter, both now and in the future. No qualification or certificate at the end… just a happier you.
I currently offer two courses – Celebrate You and Remember Me. Each course brings together your life experiences with what I’ve learnt from celebrating the lives of others. And this compelling mix will result in opportunities for you to feel good about where you’ve come from, be inspired about where you might like to go next, and how you want to be remembered when you reach journey’s end.
Each on-line courses can be done individually or consecutively, as one does follow on very nicely from the other. Both are designed for you to complete within your own time frame, with their own dedicated pages which you will gain access to once you have signed up (so no deadlines, or daily e-mails fired at you, cluttering up your ‘in-box’). The links below contain all the information you need to get started. But if there is anything you’d like to ask before signing up, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Celebrate You
Course One: Celebrate You
You’ve led a rich, accomplished and colourful life so far. You are an extraordinary person. Your life matters beyond words… Not convinced? Celebrate Your Life takes you on a positive and uplifting journey through your years and to the heart of who you are, to help you gain a greater appreciation of your uniqueness, your achievements, your precious place in the world and in the lives of others. So if you want a meaningful perspective on who you are, where you’ve been and where you’re heading, this is most definitely the course for you.
Remember Me
Course Two: Remember Me
During your precious lifetime, you’ve enjoyed countless, memorable experiences – you’ve worked hard, travelled far, laughed, learnt, loved, shared affection and friendship, made a difference to others and to the world in your own unique and special way. So how will all that be remembered, commemorated, and celebrated when your life draws to a close? How can you achieve a farewell and funeral ceremony that is as meaningful to you as it is to the people who knew and loved you? Remember Me helps you answer these questions in a positive and uplifting way, resulting in your own collection of farewell wishes.
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